Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Solidarity from the UK and the Vodalie of the day...


We are writing to you from Vodafone UK , via our trade union, Connect. We are fighting for recognition here too and believe we are on the verge of an independent voice at work in part of the UK operation.

We have heard about your struggle and are writing to express our support and solidarity. We are with you in spirit and send our best wishes to our South African colleagues. Please stay strong and remember that your fellow Vodafone employees around the world are thinking of you.

Connect Vodafone branch.

Read Connect's Blog here


Vodalie of the day #3

CWU only represents (insert your number here) per cent of employees at Vodacom.

On MSN news of July 3rd, Vodacom claims the union represents less than 10% of its staff.

On the Mail & Guardian online on the 4th, Field said the company's records show that less than 15% (645) of its staff belong to the CWU.

Maybe because Ms. Field has also been humiliated by being offered an economic bonus for keeping union numbers below 10%, on the 6th of July in News24 Field returns to 432 members, "less than 10%". Lots of luck, Dot! If you are willing to grovel for money like this, you deserve it!


CWU represents the majority of employees at Vodacom. Vodacom has refused to recognise signed forms of members, deducted dues for the wrong union, intimidated those who have expressed interest in the union, counted temporary workers (and even interns!) as permanent staff, dismissed members for their union activities and offered economic incentives and promotions for people to resign and fight the union. The only thing they have accomplished is a distortion of the numbers. Until recently, they could continue to claim with impunity that CWU represented less than 10%. Now, as an audit has begun, they occasionally slip and say 15%. Tomorrow we will be 20%, the day after 25% and so on.

Their final offer, which is one of the reasons negotiations broke down, was to request a new, higher threshold of 50%. Now, they have fallen back to "the 1999 agreement" and 30%, which they have refused to comply with or implement. Best of luck with your lockout! It's nice to know you are reduced to fight for something that we want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a CWU member and it kills me to be at work while other combrades are working but it goes back to some responsibilities that one can hardly accompilsh even if one works 24/7 in Vodacom. I think we need to mobilize the media and have an open debate with Vodacom on TV. No matter what, Vodacom will not win this one, and they know deep down that what they are doing is a crime.I'm also dissappointed on Telkom and the Govt. for not interfering in this problem.